More Press – Gongs Abound!

Our VFX guru Lars Holmgren is no garden variety VFX supervisor. He has actually weeded out some page space from the big boys at the BBC in the creative review pages of industry magazine, Televisual this month.

His cheeky take on the Hills are Alive from The Sound of Music for the opening  titles of Bug at the BFI is gaining more attention than a triffid at a garden party. Not that he is a shrinking violet, but this modest guy just quietly keeps on planting those seeds of creative genius that keeps Locomotion smelling of roses.

As if that wasn’t enough the work has also made it’s way into 3D Magazine with an excellent article from the chaps over at 3D.

The work being produced in the last months for the likes of Nokia, BT and many others is continuing to cement Locomotions name as the leading specialist 3D house in town!