How we gave Buzz Monkey life…

How we gave Buzz Monkey life…

For most of us in the UK Buzz Monkey is a relatively unknown brand, in Australia it’s an alternative to Red Bull. Locomotion were given the opportunity of breathing life into the static Buzz Monkey character.

Or resident guru Lars Magnus Holgrem was the brains behind this baby, taking it from concept to completion, with many of the team taking part in bringing him to life. Lars managed not only the creative process, but also managed teams across the world, bringing the best out of our creative team.

Once we had the character moving, then it was a case of using Locomotion genius to colour grade, add foley and music to bring the Buzz Monkey to life.

We’re proud that the 3D Buzz Monkey is our baby, just another example of why people choose Locomotion to make their visions reality.

The 3D version of this character both still and moving are the property of Locomotion London (c) 2009

Cupcakes Featured In 3D World


We’re thrilled that our Cupcakes ident for BUG has been featured in the latest edition of 3D world magazine.

Cupcakes shows just what can be achieved when you push Maya to the edge of its capabilities, you can find out more about Cupcakes here…